Season to Season as a Nonprofit


Just a few short weeks ago, we were reveling in holiday cheer and enjoying the Giving Season. We hope you had a safe and successful end-of-year fundraising drive and met your goals for 2022. Now, we’re in tax season and we have good news for nonprofits.

First, let’s remember how good it feels to give and the benefits your donors receive from it. We know that the brain triggers the release of dopamine when we are doing something good – it is the “feel good” hormone – and it motivates us to do more of the same. When someone gives, whether by volunteering or donating financially, it can have significant benefits. 

Keep the Good Going

Reminding your donors that their donations are tax-deductible is a great way to connect with them, which shows them you appreciate their contributions. Tax season can get anyone down. Feeling the boost of a lower tax bill will nudge donors to remember that regular charitable giving has benefits that go beyond supporting your mission and your organization. 

NetGiver can support your donors with planning their regular contributions to your organization. Recurring donations ensure that your organization can prepare for the future and it creates a regular touch point to thank your donor. We encourage donors to set up a schedule of giving throughout the year, and we make it easy for them on the NetGiver platform. Often, donors will give more (in total) with a monthly gift than they would as a one-time gift at the end of the year. 

Plus, come tax season your donor can download their giving history with a few clicks of a mouse and send it to their tax preparer, making their giving experience even better during a season that most people dread. 

Giving at a Glance

There are several benefits of using the NetGiver platform – donors have one place to do all their giving and review their giving history. There is no box of receipts sitting on their desk, no searching through emails for the ones they forgot to print out, and no stress at tax time. 

Nonprofits benefit by using the NetGiver platform to collect donations and your customized dashboard gives you fundraising statistics at a glance. You never have to search for individual donor demographics again.

NetGiver is No-Fee

When your donors have a good experience with giving to your organization, seeing all their donations in one place, and getting a comprehensive, detailed receipt, they remember it the next time they feel generous. Giving through the NetGiver app is a painless giving experience with no fees. 

Donors never pay a processing charge, surcharge, transaction fee or “tip” when they use NetGiver – your nonprofit receives the whole gift – the entire dollar amount. Their donation flows directly to you with no bottleneck or “middleman” to take a percentage off the top. We never charge people to give, and we never charge you to receive it. That should make you feel good, too!

You can give them that feeling with the NetGiver app. Reach out to us today to enjoy the No-Fee experience.  NetGiver for Nonprofits — NetGiver | 100% Giving (