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Giving from the Heart of a Pandemic - and tracking your impact

Every one of us finds our perspective challenged by this pandemic.  Even during normal times, we are, from day to day, different people.  We rise in the morning, choose our shirt, our shoes, our breakfast, our daily goals, all depending on how well we are managing our selves.  Some mornings reel with promise while other mornings seem restrictive, as if the boogey–man had sneaked in overnight and tied us up.  Some evenings find us immensely satisfied while others leave us grumbling.   But that’s life and, actually, if we think about it, that pendulum we ride takes us on a fabulous journey.

This pandemic has made the disparities in our society painfully clear. Managing goals, tracking our finances, our days and even choosing breakfast can be difficult, and we find ourselves making new kinds of decisions every day.

Recently, speaking with a member of a NetGiver credit union, she told us that she finds herself online shopping to help fill these new voids in time and in her social life. Now, she has made a pact with herself, deciding that every time she finds her pointer finger poised to push “BUY”, she will pause, pull up her NetGiver account, and find a better place to put her money.  “I find that sitting at home with less to do than is normally the case, I can feel sorry for myself with ease and imagination,” she confessed.  “And when I do, I buy e-books for $6.99 and a new scarf or piece of jewelry which often costs over $20.00 a pop.  The colors are pretty but the indulgence, these days, feels wrong.  So, now, when I have the urge to buy something un-necessary, I bring up NetGiver.  I choose the charity that resonates at that moment – the local food shelf, my public radio station, the pet shelter where I found my tail-wagging best friend - and I send $5.00, $10.00, or $2.00, depending on what I can, in reality, afford.”

Speaking of reality, most of us can’t afford to simply give money away, wherever and whenever, simply because it feels good.  The times may be unprecedented but this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be smart and careful with what we have while caring for those who are struggling.  Through NetGiver, provided by credit unions, every penny we give goes directly to our chosen charity, without fees or hidden deductions.  Nonprofits receive 100% of every donation, all supported by credit unions.

And for the donor, the ease of NetGiver extends beyond just the act of giving. Each gift - $5.00 to a pet rescue, $20.00 to the local food shelf, and so on– is documented and downloadable for easy retrieval.  No more searching through bank records and scraps of paper when tax time comes around or just for your own information.  NetGiver is an easy way for charities to accept help and an easy way for you to give it. You

We are all frustrated and confused and frightened. This is our new reality.  But we aren’t beaten; we aren’t without hope and heart and determination.  We’ll find our feet, again.  Through our credit unions in partnership with NetGiver, we’ll share the load, offer a hand-up, and, in that way, ease the way back for all of us.

NetGiver is available in both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store and supported by participating credit unions.